Own Your Safety Monitoring Alerts
Who takes charge when an emergency alert is received by health & safety personnel? The danger of complacency skyrockets when too many people are involved in emergency response based on the belief that others will surely respond to the alert. In order to avoid this, it is crucial that specific responder roles are defined for specific personnel. For instance, one manager or member of safety personnel may be responsible for a specific group and another manager responsible for a different group.
Establish a Responder Hierarchy
Establishing a responder hierarchy and ensuring that everyone is aware of the function of the hierarchy is also essential to effectively owning alerts. In case the first person appointed to receive alerts is unable to respond (for instance if his or her phone is off or he/she is out of internet coverage), then a second and third recipient must be appointed to receive alerts as well. All potential recipients of alerts must be informed that receipt of an alert means that they are responsible to initiate an emergency response.
Utilize as Many Alert Options as Possible
Lone worker safety products typically provide multiple alerting methods ranging from simplistic products with one or two alert types, to more sophisticated solutions with up to five alert types such as the Loner SMD. Regardless of the system that you choose, when configuring your lone worker monitoring system, you should ensure that as many alert types are activated as is reasonable. There may be times when certain alert types are inappropriate (such as fall detection for a bungee jumping instructor) – in these cases deactivate or adjust the sensitivity of the specific alert but keep all other useful alerts active. This ensures that your employees’ safety is monitoring as completely as possible.
Choose the Right Lone Worker Safety Solution for your Business
Should your employees use a smart phone application or a dedicated safety monitoring device? The answer depends entirely upon the type of work that they perform. For instance, employs equipped with smart phones who do not use them heavily for work may benefit from a lone worker safety monitoring application such as Loner Mobile. Personnel who work in high-risk areas or who have a greater risk of their smart phone battery dying (such as heavy phone users) would likely be better off using a dedicated monitoring device. Be sure that whatever solution your business deploys makes sense for your employees’ specific work situations. Remember, a good solution will allow you to mix and match between devices and smart phone applications freely.
Use Automated or Semi-Automated Check-ins
Having your employees check in every hour can cost a business a significant amount of money in lost time. This is especially true if your employees take an extra minute or two to check email, social media, or catch up on text messages each time after completing a check-in. Some lone worker safety monitoring products like the Loner SMD, can prompt employees to check in at configurable intervals with a simple push of a button – no phone or smart phone required. Unlike phone-based check-ins, lone worker device check-ins are instant and do not require an employee to stop what he or she is doing, dial in, get connected, explain his or her safety status, hang up, and get back into the earlier workflows. Using automated or semi-automated check-ins can save businesses thousands upon thousands of dollars each year!
To find out which solution(s) would work best for your organization, contact Blackridge Solutions at: (778) 686-5799 or [email protected]