A trending technology, GPS, has helped reduce wandering situations and ensure a quick and successful locate of the individual. By being able to locate the individual when they have wandered away from their residence or care facility, allowing for pinpoint locate accuracy to reduce the time and cost spent searching, also provides peace of mind to care providers and reduces the impact on emergency services personnel.
Unlike current products which only provide safety while inside residences, the PAL Wandering System from Blackridge Solutions provides both indoor and outdoor protection and awareness … all in the comfort of a digital wrist watch. The watch comes with a lockable watch strap, ensuring it is always attached to the individual and not left on a table back at their residence.
Using Radio Frequency (RF) technology while indoors and near a Portable Receiver, the PAL Wandering System will immediately notify care providers via text, email and web portal when the individual has left the residence and will begin tracking them using GPS technology. Their current location will be displayed on the web portal map and new GPS tracking points will be provided as quickly as every 2 minutes.
Another key advantage to the PAL Wandering System is its ability to provide continued freedom to those individuals wearing it. For those who have early stages of Alzheimer’s, allowing them the ability to go out for walks or travel away from their residence knowing that if they required assistance, they have access to a Help button on the side of the watch which will signal an alert (text / email / web portal) that assistance is required and provide their exact GPS location.
To find out more about the PAL Wandering System and how it is becoming a critical wandering prevention system throughout North America, click here or contact Blackridge Solutions at (778) 686-5799 or [email protected]